Tuesday, 20 October 2015


By H.B.S
IMPORTANCE Of ISTAGFAAR PART 1 Asalam to you reading this. May the glory and blessings of Allah be upon Prophet Muhammed (s.a.w), his family, his Sahaaba, and all his followers. Istagfaar as we know is the act of asking for forgiveness from Allah. Istagfaar as mentioned in the Quran in Surah 71 vs 10-12 Ask forgiveness of your Lord. Indeed, He is ever a Perpetual Forgiver. *He will send rain from the sky upon you in continuing showers.* And give you increase in wealth and children and provide for you gardens and rivers in Al jahnaa. Saying Istagfaar as we see comes with many rewards. What other thing do we want in this life and the hereafter than all that is mentioned above. Also the Prophet peace be upon him said "Ask forgiveness from Allah because he himself ask forgiveness from Allah 100times a day" if the blessed Prophet whose Paradise is guaranteed can do this why shouldn't we do it. Comparing Istagfaar and other significant dua like subhanalla, Alhamdulillah, Allahu akbar and Lahilaha illalahu we see that Istagfaar is very important i.e the other significant dua are like spraying perfume on a dirty cloth while Istagfaar is like washing that dirty cloth. And how can your duas be answered instantly without been washed away of your sins. In a minute or even less 100 astagfurullahi can be mentioned. So why not be of importance to yourself and also follow Sunnah simultaneously in a minute by doing it. May Allah forgive our sins, grant us ease of mind to do our Istagfaar and also bestow upon us all the rewards attributed to it. Ameen

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